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Sunday, May 8, 2011

Download Windows 7. Pre-Service Pack 2 Hotfixes (04.05.2011)

Collection of updates and patches from Microsoft for 32-bit and 64-bit versions of Microsoft Windows 7 SP1 any revisions.

A list of recently added updates:
KB2504602-v2: Windows Communication Foundation 6.1.7601.21678
NDP40-KB2504602: NDP 4.0 30319.449
KB2524732: Windows-TCPIP-Binaries 6.1.7601.21710
KB2529956: Windows-NDIS 6.1.7601.17598/6.1.7601.21707
KB2531907: Windows-Failoverclusters 6.1.7601.17514/6.1.7601.21710
KB2543367: Windows-International-TimeZones 6.1.7601.17602/6.1.7601.21711
added installer from staforsa.

Before installing the patch
If you decide to install these patches, please note the following information:
• Do not deploy patches in a production environment without first checking their work.
• Before installing, run the backup system or computer which will install patches.

It is important
• Corrections are designed to solve specific problems.
• Use only fixes for systems that are experiencing these problems.
• Installing the wrong patches might damage your system.
• If you are not sure what remedy suited to your system, do not install them.
• Fixes included in future service packs, which safely through the entire install Microsoft Update.

What's with all these good deeds?
In the general sense of this. We have several folders. They are numbered in order. (Note: if you want to get the maximum effect, go to daddy for each number, ie 1,2,3,4. For example: "1.) Windows 7 Pre-Service Pack 2 Hotfixes (7601.21649)" - this is the folder number 1) Go to the folder 1, there are 2 exe, nothing complicated, I think can handle. For all other locations: Go, see 2 folders and StaforceUpdate.exe. The easiest option (easy level for beginners, like) is to launch StaforceUpdate.exe. Further, there is in Russian and nothing complicated, just a button "yes" to press. Think it's too easy for you, you can go to the folder that meets the bit of your system (these folders are located in each of the numbered folders, for example: "x64" - 64-bit systems and "x86" - 32-bit systems ( See the bit on your system, you can click Start, right-click on the "computer", "properties" and look at the line "type of :")). In a lot of files, folder type "Windows6.1-KB ??????- x??. Msu". You can install each of them separately. Or find the file "Update.exe" and run it. It is in English, but everything is simple, you press 1 and Enter.
If that was not enough for you or is it too easy for you (or you need the maximum effect), find the file "Installer For Windows Updates.cmd". Here again, all in English, if you feel that you have sufficient knowledge in language and in general of a topic, check out everything there is written. If not, then do not bother, just hit "C" and Enter.

System requirements:
* 1 GHz or faster 32-bit processor
* 1 GB of RAM
* 16 GB of free hard disk space
* Support for DirectX 9 interface with the driver WDDM,
At least 128 MB of graphics memory

File Size = ( 1.68 GB )


Selamat Mendownload!!!
Jgn Lupa Comment Ya....

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