Legendary The greatest thief of all times and peoples, Charles Dekard specializing in the rare works of art, from a purely professional considerations, wade in the New York museum and, if on their own, opens the box nothing other than the legendary Pandoras box. What happens then, is fully consistent with the ancient Greek myth: Hidden under a single lock, all the troubles, evils and vices at once hit the peaceful citizens, and together with them and Dekarda. In the skies over New York revealed suspicious crater, where, as if from a horn of plenty, there are griffons, werewolves and other mythical monsters. Residents megapolis devour, klyuyut, torn to pieces, columns, pressure and take away to an unknown destination. Not ready for such serious consequences and are not sophisticated in dealing with demonic creatures, Charles is one to try to close the Pandoras box. What is it for this should be done to identify himself the hero.
Game Features:
- A mythical first person shooter set in an unprepared, modern world.
- A massive blockbuster movie experience society collapses around you as man and machine take on beasts of legend in spectacular battle.
- Awe-inspiring fire-fights where high caliber ordinance meets beak, talon, fang and claw.
- Dynamic environments crumble around you as you and your enemies tear a living, breathing environment apart in your battle to stay alive.
- Devastation realized on an unprecedented scale. See London burn to the ground and witness New York torn apart through spectacular supernatural destruction.
- The enemy of your enemy is your enemy witness and take part in three way battles as you combat the supernatural as well as the militant arm of an age old clandestine organization who prove to be a formidable opponent and adequate prey for the armies of mythical beasts.
- Take the battle online with multiplayer combat.
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
Processor: 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor
Memory: 512MB of System RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ Video Card
Hard Drive: 10GB of Free Hard Drive Space
Game Features:
- A mythical first person shooter set in an unprepared, modern world.
- A massive blockbuster movie experience society collapses around you as man and machine take on beasts of legend in spectacular battle.
- Awe-inspiring fire-fights where high caliber ordinance meets beak, talon, fang and claw.
- Dynamic environments crumble around you as you and your enemies tear a living, breathing environment apart in your battle to stay alive.
- Devastation realized on an unprecedented scale. See London burn to the ground and witness New York torn apart through spectacular supernatural destruction.
- The enemy of your enemy is your enemy witness and take part in three way battles as you combat the supernatural as well as the militant arm of an age old clandestine organization who prove to be a formidable opponent and adequate prey for the armies of mythical beasts.
- Take the battle online with multiplayer combat.
System Requirements:
OS: Windows XP SP2 or Windows Vista
Processor: 2.0+ GHZ Single Core Processor
Memory: 512MB of System RAM
Graphics: Nvidia 6200+ or ATI Radeon 9600+ Video Card
Hard Drive: 10GB of Free Hard Drive Space
Game Size =( 7.74 GB )
Pass = www.esoft.in
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